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Sonic Complete



Oral-B ® Sonic Complete®

The first sonic toothbrush from Oral-B is specifically designed to offer you complete mouth care. Oral-B Sonic Complete® removes plaque to help prevent tooth decay, promotes firmer, healthier gums, and removes harmful, odor-causing bacteria from your tongue. Features multiple brushing modes (clean, soft, and massage) for a customized clean, by effectively removing plaque, gently stimulating gums and naturally whitening teeth.
Clinically Proven Benefits
Use an Oral-B Sonic Complete® toothbrush twice daily to:
+ Help improve the health of your teeth and gums
+ Effectively remove plaque without irritating gums
+ Reverse gingivitis for firmer, healthier gums
+ Whiten your teeth 25% better than Sonicare Elite* by removing more coffee, tea, and tobacco stains

*Sonicare Elite is a trademark of Philips Oral Healthcare, Inc.



Product Features

+ Multiple brushing modes – Clean, Soft and Massage – offer you a customized clean that targets the needs of your entire mouth
+ CrissCross® bristles: Angled bristles to reach deep and clean between teeth
+ Power Tip® Bristles: Longer bristles to reach more difficult spots
+ 2-Minute Timer indicates when the professionally recommended 2-minute brushing time has been reached
+ Professional timer signals every 30 seconds encouraging a complete cleaning of the 4 quadrants of your mouth
+ Runs up to two weeks without recharging
+ Takes Oral-B Sonic Complete® brush head refills


Detailed Model Information

Oral-B® Sonic Complete® S-320 Deluxe
+ Three brushing modes (Clean, Soft & Massage)
+ Two Oral-B Sonic Complete® brush heads
+ 2 Minute timer
+ Professional timer
+ Charger stand with refill storage
+ Deluxe travel case




Oral-B® Sonic Complete® S-200:
+ Two brushing modes (Clean & Soft)
+ One Oral-B® Sonic brush head
+ 2 Minute Timer
+ Professional timer
+ 2 Year Warranty












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